
WE WIN!!!  

Posted by Cyndi Lou in ,

I ran across this video thanks to a wonderful childhood friend of mine, Ron Smith, who posted it to his FB account. He is someone that I grew up respecting tremendously. Not only was he a true friend, but a strong brother in Christ. He was this way when we were growing up and I still consider him to be both to me today. I am so grateful that he posted it so that my life could be touched in a small way by this beautiful young lady's life.

After you watch Jessie's amazing video tribute below, please take a moment to follow the link underneath it to see Lanny Donoho's blog post as a Final Tribute to this beautiful sister in Christ. All I can say is WOW!!! She humbled me. His post contains the same video and a beautiful written message as a tribute to Jessie. His words and her life are an encouragement and a testimony to the victory we can ALL claim in Jesus, even in death! After you watch the video of Jessie, read his post and remember this... WE WIN!! It is definitely worth a few moments of your time.

Remember this, my dear friends, either in life or in death, WE WIN!!

Lanny Donoho's blog post as a tribute to Jessie--- Final Tribute

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This entry was posted on September 15, 2008 at Monday, September 15, 2008 and is filed under , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


That's a good way to look at such tragedy. I'm reminded of something I heard about my friend Sue Ann Emmett who passed away a little more than a year ago. Her minister said she taught people how "to live, love AND leave." This final tribute even goes a step further in showing you how to look at the departure.

Tue Sep 16, 07:51:00 PM 2008

WOW, my girls and I enjoyed the video. It went right along with oue bible lesson for today. Thanks for sharing. God is truely AWESOME.

Wed Sep 17, 12:19:00 PM 2008

Thanks for sharing and keeping my perspective in check.

Thu Sep 18, 09:34:00 AM 2008

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