For those who DON'T know, AI (not American Idol, but Adventure Island) is basically a money trap for parents and a virtual wonder land for children! We spent Tuesday evening there and so that 'official visit' is over for another year- HOORAY!!!! YIPPPEEE!! AI has it all- for a child, or a child like soul- go-carts, mini-golf (or goofy golf as Anna Grace & Austin call it), Lazer Tag (haven't tried that part yet) and, last but not least, a gaming arcade where you put in endless quarters to play games to 'win' tickets, to turn in for 'junk', um, I mean 'prizes' (picture my hand signals doing the air quotes like Joey did on a great episode of Friends) to take back home! Again, can I get another HOORAY-- we don't have to go back for another year!
But, Anna Grace and Austin grinned from ear to ear the entire night tonight as we played putt-putt, rode go-carts, and played in the arcade. They had a blast. They have been asking since last Thursday, when we left town, when we would get to go to 'Adventure Island'. The smiles on their faces were worth it all. Now, we will start saving up again for next year's trip to the money pit, um, I mean Adventure Island.
No, really, the weather has been beautiful, our condo is fabulous, our photographer AMAZING (another post on Jenny Ruble and her husband Lance, of Sand Dollar Photography, will be posted later), the pool simply refreshing, and the ocean just as beautiful as the last time we saw it. It has been a much needed break from our daily routines.
I do have to share a story that describes Anna Grace perfectly! We arrived in town on Friday evening around 6 PM. You know the routine for the first night at the beach--- a van to unload, bags to unpack, and a grocery store trip to be made. Well, we had to do all of that AND get something for dinner. The 4 of us were rather hungry. So, Joe and I kept talking about how to best accomplish all of this in the most efficient way. Oh, yeah, and we had 2 children simply BEGGING to go to the ocean or the pool or something FUN!!! After all, you don't come to the beach to go to the grocery store!! So, I sat down with Joe in the living room of the condo and he said, 'We need to come up with a game plan for tonight.' Then, we started planning. The kids were doing their own thing - coloring, talking, whatever- in a different room of the condo. But, only a minute into our conversation, Anna Grace walked over and she said, "Mommy and Daddy, I have a 'game plan'. Here it is!!" And the picture you see below is what we saw...
Joe & the kids at the main Auburn sign
Austin and his cousin, Houston, enjoying a lazy day at the pool...(I KNOW-- they are both names of towns in Texas- we've heard all of the jokes before. And, no, we don't know where Dallas is!!) Gracie having fun in the pool, too.
Austin & Gracie at the beach
Austin, Daddy, & Gracie enjoying the pool also!
Anna Grace & Austin posing for mom before a day of fun in the sunAnna Grace, Chelsea (our neice), Austin, & Houston (our nephew)
Getting ready to enjoy a night out at Lulu's
The view of a sunset sky from Lulu's... BEAUTIFUL!!Austin is ready for his night of fun at Adventure Island...
Our 2 'Goofy Golfers' here...