

Posted by Cyndi Lou

Very tired, Beaten down, Sleep deprived ...... or something like that!

I have to honestly admit, that's how I feel on the outside today; it has been a very long and very busy week. But on the inside, I feel quite differently. I am yet again amazed at the efforts of so many people to make V.B.S. at EMC such a wonderful success, and I am blessed beyond words to have been a part of it myself.

I remember a few years back when V.B.S. was being planned, and one Sunday morning in church there was an announcement telling all about the upcoming event and how we should invite as many young friends as we could ... there would even be a prize for the child that brought the most visitors. So on the way home that day, Cyndi and I asked the kids who they might like to invite and they started spouting off name, after name, after name, after name (you get the picture). So we invited a few friends, then the kids invited even more friends and by the time the week of V.B.S. rolled around we had enough kids to fill two tribes. I can still remember at the end of that first year saying to Cyndi "It was good that we brought so many visitors this year, but next year we may need to limit it to just a few kids". But by the time the following year rolled around, we once again invited every single kid that Anna Grace and Austin wanted to bring. And somehow, we got them all there and got them all home, and once again we were worn slap out, but we were also blessed beyond measure. This year was no different, and again, we are worn slap out but very blessed.

The past few years I have not signed up for a specific assignment, rather I have just been a floater so that I am able to help with the kids we bring and then do whatever else is needed. This year I helped with a tribe one night, worked in the kitchen some, worked in a shop off and on, helped with a "little one" one night, etc. The neat thing about being a "floater" this year was that through the course of the week I moved about the entire village and had the opportunity to see everyone ministering to the children in their respective roles. I visited every shop, I was in and out of the kitchen, I visited the village playground, I visited the synagogue, I was everywhere at some point during the week. And I must say that it truly warmed my heart to watch so many of my brothers and sisters pouring out the love of Christ onto the children that attended this week. On behalf of my children, their friends, and my family, I thank you all for the time and effort that you gave this week in ministry. It was truly an awesome event! The church has many important functions and activities throughout the year, but I truly feel that V.B.S. is one of the most important and rewarding.

I'll share with you my parting thoughts for the week. As most of you know, Cyndi was one of the shopkeepers this week in the candy shop. There were many visitors and we went through numerous pounds of chocolate, nuts & raisins. By about Tuesday night, the adult visitors began to out number the "little" visitors, and the concoction of warm chocolate, nuts and raisins that was being handed out became known as the "house special". Folks just kept coming back, night after night, for another helping of that sweet treat known as the "house special". They just couldn't resist it. Well, my final task of the week on Thursday night just before we left was to go and wash the crock pot that we had used to melt the chocolate. I don't mind telling you, it was a bit of a chore to get all of the chocolate out of that pot, and I was already tired, so it was a process that took a few minutes. As I was standing over the sink scrubbing the pot and reflecting on the week, the following thoughts went through my mind:

1) Just like the candy we enjoyed all week, how truly sweet it is to have the love of Jesus!

2) What a treat it is to serve side by side with so many wonderful brothers and sisters, and share in His love!

3) And finally, very much like the candy shop this week, how awesome is it that our Lord and Savior continues to offer us His "house special" daily?

Again, thanks to all of you that gave so much of your time this week to make this event such a huge success. I myself wouldn't have missed it for the world ... but now it is time for a nap.

- Joe

This entry was posted on June 28, 2008 at Saturday, June 28, 2008 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


Many thanks go to you as well!! You and Cyndi are such a vital part of VBS and more importantly the body of Christ. I think it is incredibly awesome that you guys bring so many children every year! That's a lot of seeds being planted, and some wonderful memories to boot! We love you guys and hope you have a much deserved LONG nap. :)

Sat Jun 28, 01:29:00 PM 2008

I'm with you, Joe. I'm a little tired, but it's worth it. The kids honestly have such a blast, and I could see that so much more this year. Last year, I was a tribe leader, so I only really saw my tribe. Quite honestly, I wasn't sure some of the kids in my tribe were having fun and were 'getting it' because I don't put a lot of faith into my teaching ability. But, this time, being in a shop, you really got to see all the kids and how pumped they were to be there. Bryce especially loved it, and I'm particularly greatful for that.

Thanks to you as well for your familiy's effort to make VBS a great week for the kiddos.

Sat Jun 28, 04:53:00 PM 2008

I also really enjoyed getting to wander at times and see other parts of VBS. Jayden Richmond thought he was in heaven. He absolutely loved it. I think he loved being included by the older kids. He felt like one of them. I can't get him to understand that it's over. He thinks Sam, Logan, and Kaleigh are all going to be in his class all the time now.

I think Ken had similar feelings as Shana. He didn't feel like he was getting across what he needed to to the kids. He was struggling with the age differences and talking on everybody's level. I think if he stepped back (like Shana) and got to see it as a whole he might feel differently. I told him he was just planting seeds. He also is not used to teaching such young kids. He said he felt ineffective.
We are both very, very tired. Have fun at church tomorrow. We'll think about you while we swim and play.
love you,

Sat Jun 28, 08:45:00 PM 2008


Thank you so much for that post! I must say being a tribe leader was hard but I loved it. Listening to the kids answers and how much each one of them love christ. It was eye opening to me. We all need to trust and love Jesus like little children.

Joe thanks for the encouragment(hope I spelled that right)throughout the week!! It meant alot.


Sun Jun 29, 10:54:00 PM 2008

please, remember after you share and plant those seeds you need to continue o water and feed them to maturity, always growing in the Holy Spirit of Our Loving God

Love to all

Joe"s Mom Nana

P.S. Call Cyndi if you need a NaNa break.................. HaHa

Mon Jun 30, 10:54:00 PM 2008

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