
The Best Mommy Ever: 'Making Memories of Us'  

Posted by Cyndi Lou

Let me 'paint the picture' for you...

It is 6:45 PM on a Tuesday (today in fact) and it has been a LONG, LONG, LONG, LONG day! Did I mention it was a long day?? My children and I have been home for 1 hour. My husband is working late and will not be home for another 30 minutes. I worked through lunch today due to a busy work schedule and a lunch meeting... not that it wouldn't hurt me to skip a few meals, but I digress!! I have just spent the 1st hour home prompting my son every 15 minutes to finish his '10 minute' home work assignment. (How hard can it be to write 3 sentences about 3 animals and then draw their pictures?????) I am looking for something to feed my family for dinner, while I have an increasingly pounding headache (remember the part where I skipped eating lunch?) and I am, quite frankly, tired of yelling, um, I mean 'telling' my son to finish his homework.

I try to cook breakfast for dinner and the eggs I am about to cook for my family are almost 15 days old. So, scrap that plan, turn off the stove and turn off the oven-- a grocery store trip is much needed! So, I resort to ordering Domino's for dinner- what a GREAT mom I am, huh???! Oh, and by the way, we missed our T-Ball game tonight due to, well we are all exhausted, so we didn't go. It doesn't help that both of their jerseys and pants are still in the dirty clothes hamper from last week. So, all in all, there will be no 'Special Mommy Awards' given to me today, as my friend Tamara would say!!! So, are you with me?

I am sitting there with my 2 children eating pizza in the living room (a special treat usually only reserved for Family Game Night on Friday nights) and I am thinking to myself, 'Will this headache ever go away?' Then, Anna Grace asks me, 'Mommy, is ALL of that STUFF your scrapbooking stuff?' To which I answer, 'Yes, honey, it ALL is!' She says, 'WOW! That is A LOT of scrapbooking stuff.' (I agree with her at this point and she looks at me like I am crazy!) Then, I say, 'I have lots of memories to scrapbook of you guys and your pictures.'

It is at this moment when it happens. This very moment in a mommy's day is what makes being a MOMMY so INCREDIBLE and OH so worth it....

My son, Austin, says, 'Mommy, you are the BEST mommy ever!! Do you want to know WHY you are the best mommy ever?' As I think to myself, 'This should be REALLY good after a day like today', I say, 'Yes, son, I would love to hear why!' He proceeds to say the following to me, with MUCH ENTHUSIASM...

-You order us pizza!
-You make memories of us!
-You scrapbook us! (This cracked me up!)
-You take care of us.
-You love us.
-You help us with homework.
-You drive us everywhere. (You can say that again!)
-You let us sleep in your bed sometimes and on pallets in your room.
-You laugh with us.
-You give good hugs to us.
-You pay for stuff for us. (Someone has to.)
-You take us to church.
-You sing to us.
-You are really smart (Did you read that last part Nancy & Shana? :) )
-You are the BEST mommy EVER!!

Then, he adds, 'Oh, and daddy is the best daddy too, because he does all of that stuff, too!'

Well, at this point, I was speechless and I realized it wasn't such a bad day after all! I don't know about you, but I think we might have just made another memory!!

This entry was posted on April 29, 2008 at Tuesday, April 29, 2008 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


Oh, I love those moments! It is nice when your kids give you affirmation - kind of like a hug from God. You ARE a great mother, and a great friend!!!!!

Tue Apr 29, 10:32:00 PM 2008

Take that boy's picture and add another page!!

It is so very nice to feel like our children (and husbands- but mostly the children) appreciate us.

You are a great mommy...and don't let Satan get you to believe his lies that say otherwise. You do recognize the events of your day as his handiwork to plant doubt, right? I figured you did, but it's also nice to get the reminder. So, don't believe his lies!!

Love you bunches, you smart thang you (I knew you were all along)!!


Tue Apr 29, 10:44:00 PM 2008

I especially enjoyed this post. Last night, I helped Ken mow the yard. I LOVE TO MOW...crazy but true. It gives me alone "mommy" time and I can think or pray uninterrupted. God put you on my heart sometime between 6-6:30(while I was circling the yard) and I prayed for you and your entire family. It's somewhat reassuring that probably you were in the middle of your headache, tiredness, just need and he prompted your family's need to little ol' me. I'm so glad that you have terrific children to remind you of your value, because that's exactly what I prayed (which speaks volumes to me about the reality of God speaking to me). I prayed that someone would show you today how much you are loved and treasured just to remind you of HIS love for you. I hope someone doesn't take this the wrong way, because truthfully-I was kinda taken back when I read your post. Ya' know how you think God is speaking to you, but somehow deep down you doubt it and wonder if it's just you thinking that...anyway what a blessing to be reassured that my father does speak audibly to me and i hope a blessing for you, too.
love you,

Wed Apr 30, 05:53:00 AM 2008

Isn't great what words can do for your soul? (even from the very children who tend to suck all the life from you....lol)

You have amazing kids! You are definitly doing something right.

Wed Apr 30, 08:27:00 AM 2008

Boy, Autin nailed that. You are amazing, you are needed, and you are very much loved don't ever forget that.

Wed Apr 30, 08:39:00 AM 2008

WOW!! You ladies have blessed my socks off this morning!! I sat and cried and when I read your comments. I had to go to the bathroom to 'freshen up' and 'fix my makeup' (because I don't like being a "Hired" when it comes to my makeup).

Terri, I can see that God used you to affirm to me that I have true friends praying for me even when I don't know it. I think He used me to affirm to you that He speaks audibly to our hearts at just the right time and look what happens when we 'listen to and obey' His voice!! That is not a coincidence!! God TOTALLY made that happen!! Totally AMAZING!! HE is OH SO GOOD!!!

Shana, thank you for reminding me that Satan was working to make me feel defeated and down. He almost succeeded. But, God used the voice of a child to remind me that I am needed and loved and appreciated.

Tammy, Tamara, and Jennifer, thank you for the words you said about me and my children. They blessed me immensely!! It is one thing to think a lot of your children, but another thing totally for friends to say the kind things you did about them!!! Thank you for your comments- they made my day!!!

Shana, I am going to add that page this weekend!! You can be sure about that! :)

Have a blessed day my friends. I don't know what I would do without you!

I love you my sisters!!


Wed Apr 30, 11:51:00 AM 2008

You are a wonderful mother and a great friend I might add!! God IS GOOD!!! Not only do you have precious little ones to remind you that you are a wonderful mother, but you have so many friends that also think that you are a great mother.

Hey and who doesn't like pizza. HELLO!!! That means NO COOKING, night off!!!

Any just so that you know, I knew all along that you were smrter than me!! (ha,ha)

Love you,

Wed Apr 30, 12:31:00 PM 2008

You are a wonderful - and smart - mom and friend. You are doing great things with your children and it shows! Don't believe those lies. Having a hotline to Dominoes is not the end of the world - just the beginning of supper! It's not what's on the plate that matters as much as who's around the table (or next to you on the couch).
Love you girl,

Thu May 01, 11:20:00 AM 2008

Wow, Marilyn I sure do love that comment......"having a hotline to dominos isn't the end of the world, just the beginning of supper. It's not what's on the plat that matters as much as who's around the table" (Marilyn)

Holy cow, that was encouraging to me.......very much deserves a spot on the fridge.

Thanks Marilyn!

Thu May 01, 02:06:00 PM 2008

I am with Shana!! When I saw that comment, I thought, I need to post that up in the kitchen somewhere!! That was awesome. It encouraged me as well! Thank you Marilyn!!

Love you,


Thu May 01, 06:36:00 PM 2008

Fighting tears here! Doesn't God give us the best children ever??!

Fri May 02, 09:38:00 PM 2008

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